Hunting is an enjoyable pastime, allowing one to experience the peacefulness and tranquility of nature. There are many diiferent animals to hunt, as well as methods of hunting like bow hunting, rifle hunting, and shotgun hunting. The most common animals that are hunted in Kansas are white-tailed deer, turkey, dove, pheasant, quail, and ducks. There are also many different seasons for hunting that would allow someone to hunt almost year-round if they partook in most of the hunting seasons. Hunting is a great way to relieve stress and focus on something more primal in nature. Spending time out in the wild is usually a good change of scenery to help calm the mind. Hunting also can provide you food and other resources. Hunting with friends can also be a good bonding experience.

Fishing is a great way to spend time and clear your mind. There are many types of baits and lures to use for a wide variety of fish species. Different bodies of water in Kansas can be fished like lakes, ponds, rivers, and creeks. Some of the more common fish include bass, catfish, perch, crappie, walleye, and trout. Fishing can be exhilerating when you get a bite and reel the fish in. It also usually involves a decent amount of waiting that will allow you to enjoy nature and peace. Fishing is also usually better with family or friends to have a good time with each other.